Hi Everyone,
This week’s been a busy one!
The safety tests on the old boat went well, it was very amusing cramming 5 people, and loads of barrels filled with water into the boat to make up 750kg and nobody fell in the lode which was a success!
We also most of the week doing tree work down on the reed beds, which was great because we got to use a wood chipper borrowed from Anglesey Abbey to chip all the brash! This saved us making huge piles of brash all over the place, and we even used the chip to improve the living willow structure near the visitor centre
The yard outside the tractor shed looked like a scene out of the film "carwash" as we pressure washed all the tractors!
Good times!
Hi everyone,
This is a bit belated, but Happy New Year! Hope the holidays were great!
Everyone is back to work at Wicken and the jobs have been rolling in as we’ve taken stock after the holidays; we’ve even made a list!
Following on from getting organised we've started some bigger jobs,
For example, we have created a scallop shaped clearing in part of the plantation, to change the plant community structure and hopefully encourage some more butterfly species in there!
We’re also in the process of getting the boat ready for the summer, one of the things we have to do is test the weight distribution of the boat, by seeing how it reacts to having loads of people on one side, there’s a high chance of someone falling in, so I’ll let you know how that goes!!
Also the wildlife is still as abundant as ever, a barn owl has been flying all over the sedge fen, this week, in fact it flew about 3 metres over my head on Wednesday, I think the owl and I were as shocked as each other, an amazing sight!
Speak to you soon,