Hi everyone,
loads has been happening on the fen in the last few months!
We have serviced all our vehicles which was really interesting to learn about all the components that make up our tractors, and very messy with plenty of engine and axle oil to be changed!
The servicing has been done just in time for the cutting season, this is where we cut set sections of the sedge fen on a three year rotation to limit plant succession ( mainly preventing scrub from taking over), and maintain the important species composition that we have at Wicken. This is done in three stages:
1: cut the "strip" with a disc mower mounted on a tractor
2: "turn" the cut litter into piles using an acrobat mounted on a tractor
3: "Buckrake" the piles of litter off the strips into bays
so if you see armies of tractors around the fen, no you know what we are up too!
We have also had a very animal orientated week, where we had to get Ewan one of our lead bulls into a corral so that the vet inspect his leg which was causing Ewan problems, we had to move 4 konik horses over to Verrals Fen, which went really well! and we also sent two konik ponies up to derbyshire to join wildlife trust!
thats all for now!